Thursday, November 13, 2008

Midterm Comments

John sent me another sweet link of this company that makes products in conjunction with artisan communities around the world. It was really good to see these scooter tire baskets because it made me consider incorporating other materials with the plastic bags. I had considered this before, and now I want to start experimenting. I thought about stretching the ironed bags to a wooden frame.

I made another envelope this week. I also figured out how to remove the ink from the bags. Lets say I don't want the bag from Marshalls to say "Marshalls" on it, i just rub it with some mineral spirits upstairs in the print room, and wo-baam ink is gone! Oh, and I also made a sole for the plastic bag shoe.

In response to the midterm comment of "what kind of products will you make?": I don't know yet. I'm taking it one product at a time because as I finish one, it will inspire new ideas for the next. I am definitely commited to this project. And I don't really want to change the world by eliminating all the plastic bags from the environment. I just want to inspire people to reuse things creatively.

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