Monday, November 10, 2008

now I just need a rainy day

Ok, so this picture is 1am Monday morning. This is not the final product...but it documents the point when I got excited and made Kristin take pictures because it was resembling an umbrella.

The umbrella is complete! It took me 5 more hours on Sunday to get it almost done. Then a little while today to finish sewing a few spots. I turned it into the the student exhibition and I just hope people don't look too closely at it. I am not proud of the craftsmanship, I see this piece more as practice. I didn't even dare try to close it...I was afraid it would rip into a million pieces and I would cry.

I now realize that I didn't take a picture of the final product...bummerrr. I will go hunt it down tomorrow and do some glamour shots.

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